I Make All Things New (2019, Quarter 1, Lesson 13)

by admin admin March 24, 2019

I Make All Things New (2019, Quarter 1, Lesson 13)

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Sabbath (March 23, 2019): “I Make All Things New”

Revelation 19 begins with a heavenly scene of praise directed to God for His work of redemption and salvation, as well as for His “true and righteous” judgments on Babylon (Revelation 19:1). After all of the pain and destruction that Babylon has caused, it is easy to understand why both redeemed human beings and the angels in heaven praise God.
Discussion Questions:
  • Briefly scan Revelation chapters 19 through 22. What reasons can you find to praise God in these chapters? (Answers will vary.)
  • What blessings come to us when we praise God? (Answers will vary.)
  • What personal testimony can you share about blessings that have come to you through praising God? (Answers will vary.)

Sunday (March 24, 2019): The Wedding Supper of the Lamb

Revelation 19:7-9 points to yet another reason to praise God—the “marriage of the Lamb is come.” As with any good wedding, much preparation has been put into this marriage, for “his wife hath made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7). 
Discussion Questions:
  • Read Revelation 19:8. How would you describe the preparation that has been put into the Lamb’s marriage? (Answers will vary.)
  • Revelation 19:8 states that “the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.” Whose righteousness, ultimately, is this? (The righteousness of Jesus Christ.) Is it possible for God’s love to transform a person so that His righteousness finally becomes theirs? Can love even on a human level impact and change people? In what ways have you seen this happen in your life, or in others’ lives? (Answers will vary.)
  • Read Luke 14:16-24. In what ways can we refuse Christ’s invitation, just as so many did in this parable? In verses 18-20, what three reasons do you see for the refusals to attend the wedding? (Possible answers: affections set on material possessions [v. 18], self-centered ego [v. 19], other relationships being more important than God [v. 20].)

Monday (March 25, 2019): Armageddon Ends

Revelation 19:11-16 describes the conclusion of the battle of Armageddon and the glorious victory of Jesus Christ.

Discussion Questions:
  • Read Revelation 19:11. What does it mean that Jesus Christ makes “war” “in righteousness?” (God’s warfare is conducted completely opposite that of Satan and fallen man. Warfare here on earth has consistently brought out the worst in human nature. God’s warfare redeems and transforms sinners, and ultimately destroys sin itself.)
  • Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. What do these verses reveal about the nature and goal of God’s “righteous warfare”? (Answers will vary.)
  • Read Revelation 19:13 and 15. What do these verses reveal about the source of power in God’s warfare against sin, at least in terms of how that warfare is realized in our lives? (The Word of God is the source of power for Christians.) Comparing these verses with John 12:48, what will be the standard of every person’s judgment? (The Word of God.)
  • Read Revelation 19:14-16. What color robe do the armies that follow Christ wear? (White.) What color robe does Christ wear? (Red.) What might be the significance of this? (Ultimately, it is Jesus Christ alone that fights against and conquers sin. Our victory is merely His victory worked through us.)
  • Read Revelation 19:16. Why is it so important to remember that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords? (Answers will vary.)

Tuesday (March 26, 2019): The Millennium

Revelation chapter 20 describes the millennium, the final judgment of Satan and sinners, the destruction of sin, and the cleansing of the earth from sin in hellfire. This chapter alone contains enough material to warrant days or even weeks of study. We will attempt to highlight a few important points.

Discussion Questions:
  • Read Revelation 20:1-3. What great promise do you find in these verses? (God has power over Satan, and a time is coming when the devil’s power and ability and freedom to deceive will be cut off.)
  • Read Revelation 20:4 and 1 Corinthians 4:5 and 1 Corinthians 6:2,3. How would you describe the judgment taking place in heaven during the millennium, and why is it so important to vindicating God’s character? (Answers will vary. During the millennium it will be made evident to all those redeemed and saved, as well as to all the heavenly angels, that God’s decision in saving some and not saving others is just. This judgment is, in a sense, a judgment and vindication of God.)
  • Read Revelation 20:11-15. What does it mean to you that God’s judgment is based on the “books”? (His judgment is neither arbitrary nor a secret. The standard of judgment, as well as the justice of His decisions, are displayed before the universe.)

Wednesday (March 27, 2019): “A New Heaven and a New Earth”

Revelation 21:1-8 opens Revelation’s description of the New Jerusalem and life for the saved in heaven with Christ. It also contains some of the Bible’s most treasured promises, that “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

Discussion Questions:
  • What part of God’s promise in Revelation 21:4 is most precious to you? Why? (Answers will vary.) What does this verse and promise tell you about God? (Answers will vary.)
  • Read Isaiah 65:17. For what reasons will the former things “not be remembered” in heaven? (Answers will vary.)
  • Read Revelation 21:3 and Exodus 25:8. What great desire of God will be realized at this time? (That He can dwell with human beings.) For what reasons do you think God wants to dwell with us so much? (Answers will vary.)
  • Are our reasons for wanting to be saved the same as God’s reasons for wanting to save us? Why or why not?

Thursday (March 28, 2019): The New Jerusalem

Revelation 21:9-27 and 22:1-5 describe the New Jerusalem. Just as the sanctuary on earth revealed important aspects of God’s character and work of salvation, so does the New Jerusalem. In the following verses from Revelation 21, compare the physical aspects of the New Jerusalem and discuss what they might represent in God’s character:
  • Verse 10. The New Jerusalem on a great and high mountain. (God is a place of refuge and safety.)
  • Verse 12. A great and high wall with 12 gates. (The number twelve represents Gods interaction with man, such as the 12 tribes and the 12 apostles.)
  • Verse 13. The city laid out in a perfect square. (God’s character is perfectly balanced between loving righteousness and hating iniquity [Hebrews 1:9].)
  • Verse 18, 21. Transparent gold a building material. (God is transparent in His dealing with sin.)
  • Verse 22. The temple of God. (The temple represents the place where sin is conquered. Ultimately, God conquered sin by taking it on Himself and then destroying it.)
  • Verse 23. The gloriously bright light. (There is no darkness or evil in God.)
  • Verse 25. The open gates. (The invitation to salvation is open to all people.) 

Friday (March 29, 2019): “I Come Quickly”

Revelation closes with a three-fold repetition of the promise that Christ is coming quickly. This promise was first given in this book in Revelation 1:7, and the entire book of Revelation may be understood as God’s prophetic messages to help people prepare for the return of Christ.

Discussion Questions:
  • Read Revelation 22:7,12,20. Why is it so important to remember that Christ is coming soon? (Answers will vary.) Why is it important to live this way, even as we recognize that there has been a delay in His return? (Answers will vary.)
  • Read Matthew 24:43-51. In this parable, Christ reveals the importance of being ready for the second coming. What fatal mistake does the “wicked servant” make? (He lives as if the second coming is far in the future.)
  • Read Matthew 24:45. What counsel does Christ give in this parable to us today? (We should be “eating,” and sharing, the “meat in due season.”) What do you think Jesus means by this? What might be the “meat in due season?” (Answers will vary. Revelation’s prophetic messages and the instructions and warnings they contain are timely messages from God that we ignore at the peril of our own salvation.)
  • What final thoughts or insights do you have to share regarding the book of Revelation? (Answers will vary.)

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