What Have They Seen in Your House? (2019, Quarter 2, Lesson 12)

by admin admin June 15, 2019

What Have They Seen in Your House? (2019, Quarter 2, Lesson 12)

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Sabbath (June 15): What Have They Seen in Your House?

The book The Acts of the Apostles begins this way: “The church is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of men. It was organized for service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world” (AA 9). Throughout this quarter we have seen how the foundation of the church (and of society) is the family. Therefore, this statement from Acts of the Apostles could also be true read this way: “The family is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of men. It was organized for service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world.” In this week’s lesson we will look more closely at God’s purpose for the Christian family as a powerful witness of His mercy, grace, and truth.

Discussion Questions:

  • Read Isaiah 56:7. In what ways can, and should, this promise be understood in relation to the family? (God wants every Christian family to be a “house of prayer.”) In what ways should the Christian family be a house of prayer “for all people?” (Answers will vary. Family members should be praying for each other, and also for those outside the family who pass within their sphere of influence.)

  • Read Isaiah 42:6,7. In what ways should the various aspects of this promise be understood, claimed, and lived by the Christian family? (Answers will vary. A primary duty of the family is to “live in righteousness” through God’s grace. When this happens, that family will be a light for others and an encouragement to individuals and families that are struggling, yet desiring, to live in God’s will.) Can you share an example, perhaps without giving specifics, of a family you know that God has used to exert this kind of influence? What do you think were the most important factors in their family witness? (Answers will vary.)

  • Read the following statement from The Acts of the Apostles: “The church is God’s fortress, His city of refuge, which He holds in a revolted world” (AA 11). In what ways should this statement also be true of the Christian family? (Answers will vary.)

Sunday (June 16): Learning from a King’s Mistake

King Hezekiah’s sickness, miraculous healing, and subsequent failure to glorify God before the Babylonian ambassadors is an important reminder for all of us how easy it is to take God’s providence for granted, or even forget it all together. The Bible presents Hezekiah as a good king, for “he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord” (2 Chronicles 29:2). Yet, like we today who desire to serve God, he was susceptible to mistakes and failures. In today’s lesson we will look for lessons from his experience for our families today.

Discussion Questions:

  • Read 2 Chronicles 32:24,25. Why is it so easy to forget God after He gives us a great blessing or victory in our lives? (The devil often attacks us more severely after spiritual “mountaintop” experiences. For example, after His baptism, Jesus was led into the wilderness where Satan tempted him. We can also too easily assume that the blessing was given because we deserved it, or perhaps we simply don’t take the time to stop and thank God, like the nine lepers who failed to thank Jesus for their healing.)

  • Read 2 Chronicles 32:27-30. What blessings has God given specifically to your family? This might include spiritual blessings, physical or material possessions, health, or relational peace or healing. (Answers will vary.) What do you think God wants your family to do with these blessings? (Use them for the benefit of others, and for the glory of God!)

  • Read 2 Chronicles 32:31 and Isaiah 38:7,8. Why did the Babylonian ambassadors come? (To investigate Hezekiah’s healing and the miracle of the sundial that went backward ten degrees.)

  • Read 2 Kings 20:8-11. Why did God perform the miracle of moving the sun’s shadow backward ten degrees? (As a sign to Hezekiah that he would be healed.) For who else might God have performed this miracle? (For the Babylonians who also, of course, watched the sun and tracked its movements. God was trying to set up a witnessing opportunity for Hezekiah.) Have you ever been aware of or seen God working similarly in your family so that you can share what He has done for you with others? Share your experience. (Answers will vary.)

Monday (June 17): Family First

In today’s lesson we will look at a couple of Bible passages that shed light on what it means for a Christian to put “family first.”

Discussion Questions:

  • Read Acts 1:8. How does Christ begin His final instruction to the disciples? What are they to wait for? (They are to wait for the Holy Spirit.) Why are they to wait for the Holy Spirit? (They would receive power through the Holy Spirit.) What kinds of spiritual power are needed by Christian families today? (Answers will vary.) What does it mean for us to “wait in Jerusalem” for the Holy Spirit as the disciples were instructed to do? (Our first priority as Christian families should be to seek for the presence and blessing of the Holy Spirit.) What principle about the order or progression of Christian witness is brought out here and how can it apply to families? (Answers will vary. Jesus instructed the disciples to go first to Jerusalem, and then to Judea, and finally to Samaria and the world. As disciples of Christ we should look for ways to reach all people, but we must not neglect the spiritual needs and spiritual health of our own families in the process.)

  • Read Philippians 2:5-7. In what ways has Jesus Christ demonstrated the principle of “family first”? (Christ sacrificed of Himself so that the members of His human family could have the opportunity of salvation.) What does Christ’s example reveal about what may be necessary in order to truly put our family first? (Sacrifices of various kinds—though perhaps not resulting in physical death—will be needed to effectively reach the children and other members of our families.) What are some sacrifices that you have made for your family—or that you have seen others make for their family—that have, by God’s grace, resulted in blessings for family members? (Answers will vary.)

Tuesday (June 18): Peace that Wins

Our world is full of strife and fighting. Yet Christians, and Christian families, are called to live peaceful lives. Today we will look at a few Bible principles and promises about living peacefully within the family.

Discussion Questions:

  • Read Psalm 34:14. What does it mean to “pursue” peace? What is implied in this verse? (Things that need to be pursued are generally things that don’t come naturally or easy.) Is this true of peace within families? Does chaos or strife often seem to be the norm or default? (Sadly, this is often the case.)

  • Read the following verses and discuss the principle that each brings out about how peace can be achieved within the family:

    • Exodus 14:14. (Trust God to fight the spiritual battles that need to be fought in your family.)

    • Job 22:21. (When we take the time and effort to know God personally, His peace will follow.)

    • Psalm 119:165. (Loving obedience to God’s law brings peace.)

    • Proverbs 16:7. (When we dedicate ourselves to living in harmony with God and His principles, peace will result.)

    • Isaiah 26:3. (Personal peace results when we memorize and meditate on Scripture.)

    • Galatians 5:22. (Recognize that peace is a spiritual gift of the Holy Spirit and pray for it.)

    • Romans 14:19. (As families we should try to avoid situations that create discord and pursue healthy activities that bring peace.)

    • 2 Timothy 2:22. (Recognize that personal and hidden sins can make it impossible to live at peace with those around us.)

Wednesday (June 19): Family Life is for Sharing

Jesus described Christians as “salt” in this world. His meaning was clear: Christians, and Christian families, should come in contact with other people and “mix” the flavor of Christianity into their lives. One of the most effective ways that this can be done is by mentoring others and modeling biblical, faithful Christianity to other people. In today’s lesson we will look at the experience of Christ’s first two disciples as they followed Him, and seek to apply lessons from this story to the Christian family today.

Discussion Questions:

  • Read John 1:35,36. What did John the Baptist tell his two disciples about Jesus? (That Jesus was the “Lamb of God.”)

  • Read John 1:37. How did the two disciples respond? (They followed Jesus.)

  • Read John 1:38. Does this strike you as a strange question? (Perhaps. This was the first time they met Jesus, and they immediately asked Him where He lived, or at least where he was staying.) Is this typically how you begin a conversation with a stranger? (Probably not.) Why do you think they asked Jesus this? (Answers will vary. They obviously recognized something in Jesus that they wanted to know more of, and also realized that a short conversation with Him on the road would not be sufficient to provide them with the answers they wanted.) What lesson can we draw here about the kind of influence that every Christian, and every Christian family, should exert? (If Christ is living within us, our influence will be similar, and people will want to spend enough time with us to learn the source of the peace, power, etc., that they see in our lives.)

  • Read John 1:39. Why did Jesus invite these two future disciples to “come and see” where He was staying? (Christ recognized what the two men were looking for, and was happy to open up His personal life to them.) Do you think the two disciples knew that they would follow this Man for the next three-and-a-half years? (Probably not.) Did Jesus know this? (He hoped they would make that decision.) What lessons from Christ’s response can we learn in regards to effective witnessing for our families? (Answers will vary.)

  • Read John 1:40-42. What was the result of Christ’s openness toward these two men? (They immediately began sharing what they had learned, and others were brought to Christ.) What is the promise for us today? (Effective and sincere modeling of Christianity to others will have the same results today.)

Thursday (June 20): Centers of Contagious Friendliness

“When the spirit of hospitality dies, the heart becomes palsied with selfishness” (MS 41, 1903). The Bible says much about the responsibility of God’s people to treat each other, and others outside the faith, with hospitality. In today’s lesson we will look at a few biblical principles regarding true hospitality.

Discussion Questions:

  • Read Leviticus 19:33,34. What are some earmarks, or signs, of true hospitality? (It comes from a heart of love for others, and leads us to treat others with the same compassion and concern as we would members of our own family.) For what reason should we treat others with hospitality? (God has treated us, like the ancient Israelites, with love and compassion that we don’t deserve. It is our duty, then, like it was theirs, to share these blessings with others.)

  • Read Deuteronomy 10:17-19. What additional aspect of true hospitality is brought out here? (Our hospitality should extend to all people, not just those we feel most comfortable with.)

  • Read Luke 11:8 and Judges 5:25. In spite of the stories from which these verses are drawn, what aspects of hospitality are brought out in these passages? (True hospitality will lead us to give all that is needed to the one in need, and even to provide more, or better, than has been asked.)

  • Read 2 Timothy 1:16. How often should we be prepared to extend hospitality to someone? (At least more than once, if needed.)

  • Read Titus 1:7,8. With what spirit should hospitality be extended to others? (With a joyful spirit of one that loves what he is doing.)

  • Read Hebrews 13:1,2. What promise is given to those who extend hospitality to others? (Some have entertained angels without knowing it!)

Friday (June 21): Ministry of the Home

The book The Ministry of Healing contains this encouraging statement:

The mission of the home extends beyond its own members. The Christian home is to be an object lesson, illustrating the excellence of the true principles of life. Such an illustration will be a power for good in the world. Far more powerful than any sermon that can be preached is the influence of a true home upon human hearts and lives. As the youth go out from such a home, the lessons they have learned are imparted. Nobler principles of life are introduced into other households, and an uplifting influence works in the community. {MH 352.3}

Discussion Questions:

  • For what reasons is it true that the influence of a Christian home is more powerful than any sermon that can be preached? (Answers will vary. A sermon lasts for perhaps an hour, while the impact of a Christian home upon a child lasts for years. A sermon is heard once a week, while the influence of a Christian home continues every day and night. A sermon reaches only those who hear it, while the life lived by a Christian touches thousands of people in a lifetime.

  • What encouragement can you draw from this statement? (While not everyone has the opportunity, ability, or inclination to preach, we can all engage in this more powerful form of Christian witnessing every day.)

  • In what ways have you observed the truth of this statement in your life, or in the lives of those you know? (Answers will vary.)

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