Sabbath Timeline: The Sabbath in History and Prophecy
Sabbath Timeline is a beautiful fifty-two page booklet that reveals the seventh-day Sabbath's origin, purpose, and prophetic significance. Designed for sharing, its colorful images and succinct summaries cover topics including the Sabbath's origin at creation, its role throughout the Old Testament, and its continuing significance in the New Testament. Emphasis is placed on the historical development of Sabbath observance throughout the Christian era around the world, as well as the attempted change of the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to the first day. The booklet concludes with a discussion of the Sabbath's prophetic significance, the seal of God, and the mark of the beast.
Sabbath Timeline can be mailed to every mailbox in your neighborhood for a tax-deductible donation. Churches that are SabbathRest™ Partners can choose to include a QR code leading to their custom landing page on Contact us for more information and to get a quote.
Product Features
5.5 x 8.5 inches
52 full-color pages
designed for sharing
quantity discounts available
this booklet can be mailed to every mailbox in your neighborhood
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