Revelation's Seven Trumpets (DVD)


Revelation’s seven trumpets describe tremendous events in heaven and on earth that culminate in Jesus Christ’s second coming. These mysterious trumpets have intrigued, confused, and even frightened students of Bible prophecy for centuries. Yet there is tremendous good news hidden within the messages of these seven trumpets! Revelation’s Seven Trumpets takes a close look at the seven trumpets and reveals Jesus Christ at the center of these prophecies. Discover the good news about the seven trumpets as host Tim Rumsey and special guest David Salazar dive deep into Bible prophecy and uncover a message of hope and peace in the heart of Revelation. This product contains seven video episodes on two DVDs.


  1. Angel at the Altar (28:30)
  2. Voices in Heaven (28:30)
  3. Seven Trumpets and the Fall of Jericho (28:30)
  4. The Seventh Trumpet (28:30)
  5. Woe to the Earth (28:30)
  6. The Kingdom of Christ (28:30)
  7. The Testimony of Jesus Christ (28:30)

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Watch Episode 3 Below

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