Daniel: Prophet of the End (DVD)


The book of Daniel has intrigued Bible students for centuries. Its stories of faithfulness and courage have enabled millions to stand true for God through the most difficult of circumstances. Its prophecies continue to provide comfort, guidance, and hope for all who study them. This set of ten presentations reveals the significance and importance of Daniel’s central prophecies for all people living today, in what Daniel calls “the time of the end.” 

“And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” - Daniel 12:9


  1. Who Shall Stand?
  2. The Stone Kingdom
  3. Babylon and Earth’s Final Crisis
  4. Health and the Great Controversy
  5. From Climate to Health: The Coming Worship War
  6. The Open Book, Part 1
  7. The Open Book, Part 2
  8. The Year the End Began, Part 1
  9. The Year the End Began, Part 2
  10. The Year the End Began, Part 3

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