Liberty on the Line (CD Set)


Civil and religious freedoms are under attack in the world today. What does the future hold? Will freedom survive, or will humanity sink into a global tyranny controlled by the rich and powerful? The book contains the answers you are looking for! Liberty on the Line is a ten-part Bible prophecy series that reveals God as Author and Protector of freedom, and shows how the devil is attacking God and His gift of freedom today. Topics include the plan of salvation, the character of God, creation, current events and end-time prophecy.

Presentation Titles:

  1. Freedom Under Fire
  2. God of Liberty
  3. The Foundation of Freedom
  4. The First Independence Day
  5. The Stone Kingdom
  6. The Fall of Babylon
  7. Born to Be Free
  8. Land of Liberty
  9. The Eye of the Storm
  10. The Mark of the Beast

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