Pathway to Peace (DVD)


How does salvation work? Today's alphabet soup of doctrinal views on salvation mirrors the chaotic spiritual experience prevalent throughout much of Christianity: the largest Christian church in the world continues to be plagued by sex-abuse scandals; regular church attendance across many denominations keeps dropping; the divorce rate within Christianity is essentially the same as that outside of it; and shockingly large numbers of Christians, including many pastors, remain addicted to pornography, alcohol, nicotine, and other destructive habits. As a result, Christianity is steadily losing its influence on society, and its hold on the human heart.

Yet Jesus promised, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations" (Matthew 24:14). But which gospel? Certainly not the one strangling much of Christianity today. Certainly not the one that has left millions of its adherents helpless victims to the power of sin. Certainly not the one that gives the unbelieving world reason to mock the confusion and in-fighting seen in many churches today. No, "this gospel" can only refer to the same gospel that the apostle Paul wrote about in Romans 1:16 when he said, " I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth."

The Pathway to Peace DVD set takes an in-depth look at these questions. The Biblical principles explained in these studies have guided thousands of people into a life-changing relationship with God, and they can do the same for you today. Learn how the Bible's promises can become reality in your life. Discover and experience God's pathway to peace and spiritual victory!

Product Features:

  • Twelve 30-minute episodes
  • Perfect for individual or small group use
  • Coordinating book, study guides, and presentation slides available 


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