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Living in the Final Week is a Bible study experience that unlocks the key to Revelation’s mysterious prophecies about Earth’s last great conflict. Discover how all of history is summarized in Jesus Christ’s life, and how the events of His final week were in fact prophecies of the last great battle between good and evil. In this series, you will see that we are living today in the “final week” of time, and that God is calling you to walk with Jesus today!

"...Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps" (1 Peter 2:21).

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Series Summary

Jesus Christ's relationship with His church is deep and profound. The Bible compares it to the marriage relationship between and husband and wife. "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it...For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones" (Ephesians 5:25,30). Marriage unites two formerly independent and separate people into "one body" that now lives together and shares experiences. In the same way, the Bible reveals that Christ wants to become "one" with His people, living with (and in) them, and sharing the experiences of life with them.

The Bible puts it this way: "Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps" (1 Peter 2:21). Indeed, throughout all of history, God's church on earth has "walked in the footsteps" of Jesus Christ. From Israel's formation in the Old Testament, to the Christian church's founding in the New Testament, to the "remnant of the woman's seed" (Revelation 12:17) at the end of time, God's people--the body--have always shared the experiences that Jesus Christ--the Head--went through during His earthly life.

For example, God formed the ancient nation of Israel through Abraham's descendents. His son, Isaac, was promised to Abraham before he was conceived, was born miraculously, and his name was declared before his birth. All of these things also happened with Christ's birth. Joseph, Isaac's grandson, led his family into Egypt for survival, just as Joseph, the human father of Jesus, led his family for safety into Egypt. Centuries later, as God pulled Israel out of slavery, the male Hebrew children were killed by Pharoah, just as King Herod killed all the male babies in Bethlehem after Christ's birth. After leaving Egypt, Israel passed through the Red Sea, and was then given the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai. Similarly, Christ began His public ministry with baptism in the Jordan River, and later He delivered the Sermon on the Mount, an amplification of the Ten Commandments.

These parallels continue throughout the history of God's organized, visible church. The formation of the early Christian church, the centuries of spiritual compromise and persecution in the middle ages, and even the Protestant Reformation all find echoes in the life of the Head, Jesus Christ. Why? Because what happens to the Head, happens to the body!

Living in the Final Week focuses on the parallels between the church's prophetic future at the end of time, and the closing scenes of Christ's life. Specifically, this series reveals that the events of the last week of Christ's life--in chronological order--form a perfect parallel to Revelation's prophecies regarding end-time events leading up to the second coming. This Christ-centered explanation of critical Bible doctrines and end-time prophecy may just change how you view the Bible, Revelation, Jesus Christ, and yourself.

Presentations and Lesson Topics

1. When the Towers Fall

What do you do when your world collapses? Where do you turn to find answers? What can you really trust in? Discover one of the Bible's most amazing prophecies that confirms God's word can be trusted.

2. The Final Week of Time

Is Jesus Christ's second coming near? What are the signs of His return? This presentation explains where we are today in the Bible's prophetic timeclock.

3. Israel and the Body of Christ

The events of Christ's earthly life not only fulfilled many prophecies, but they were also, in themselves, a prophecy of future events that the body of Christ, the church, will pass through.

4. Pentecost and Heaven's Temple

Where did Christ go when He returned to heaven, and what has He been doing there ever since? Discover the Bible's amazing description of Christ's work in heaven's temple.

5. The Sign of Sanctification

Discover God's sign of salvation, redemption, and power over sin. This ancient sign was given to God's people from earth's earliest moments, and it is still offered to you today!

6. Among the Wild Beasts

When Christ went into the wilderness following His baptism, He was surrounded by wild beasts. Revelation predicts that the church will also be surrounded in a "wilderness" by beasts.

7. Lazarus and the Protestant Reformation

In many ways the crowning miracle of Christ's earthly ministry was the raising of Lazarus back to life. Discover the astounding parallels between this parallel and the Protestant Reformation.

8. The Triumphal Entry and the Final Week

When Christ entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, many people expected Him to immediately establish God's kingdom on earth. Shortly after the Reformation, many Christians around the world expected something similar to happen. Discover a little-remembered but highly important episode in Christian history!

9. How to Outlive Your Mother-in-Law

This presentation takes a break from Bible prophecy and looks instead at Biblical principles for a long, healthy, and happy life. You'll be glad you studied this, and so will your mother-in-law!

10. In the Temple

When Jesus entered Jerusalem following the triumphal entry, He cleansed the temple. Discover the astounding prophetic implications of His actions and their fulfillment at the end of time.

11. Thunder from Heaven

Christ's last public words in the gospel of John were accompanied by the sound of thunder from heaven. Likewise, Revelation contains a last-day message that prophecy says will "thunder" from heaven.

12. Wash Me, Lord!

In the upper room, Jesus washed His disciples' feet as a symbol of His power to forgive and cleanse them from sin. The same experience is offered to everyone today.

13. Caiaphas and the False Prophet

In His trial, Christ was opposed by the high priest, Caiaphas. Similarly, Revelation predicts that a mysterious "false prophet" will oppose God's people at the end of time.

14. Judas and the Fall of Babylon

Judas, though claiming to be a disciple of Christ, betrayed the Son of God. Revelation reveals a similarly tragic and ominous betrayal of Christianity in earth's closing moments.

15. The Latter Rain and the Seal of God

In His final conversation with His disciples, Jesus prayed for their protection and promised to send them the Holy Spirit. He is doing the same thing for His people today.

16. Gethsemane and the Mark of the Beast

Christ's final temptation and choice in the Garden of Gethsemane wash whether or not to submit to the Father's will for His life. The mark of the beast crisis will focus on the same issue.

17. The Close of Probation and the Faith of Christ

Discover the secret to Christ's relentless grip of faith on the Father's love for Him. Find out how you can experience the same kind of saving faith today.

18. "Give Us Barabbas!"

Just before His crucifixion, the mob at Christ's trial demanded that a murderer named Barabbas be released instead of Jesus. Discover a little-understood prophetic event just before the second coming when the world will make a similar fateful choice.

19. The Seven Last Plagues

Revelation's seven last plagues represent God's punishment on sin. Discover how Jesus suffered the seven last plagues in your place so that you don't have to!

20. In the Tomb

What happened to Jesus during His time in the tomb? The answer reveals important Bible truths to one of humanity's most urgent questions today.

21. The Road to Emmaus

After His resurrection, Jesus met two disciples on the road to Emmaus and gave them an opportunity to understand God, Bible prophecy, and Jesus Christ like they never had before. He will do the same for thing for the redeemed after the second coming.

22. Christ's Authority and the Spirit of Prophecy

Shortly after Jesus cleansed the temple, He was confronted by the Jewish rulers about his authority to do this. Christ's answer reveals a critically important issue that God's faithful people need to understand today.

23. The Remnant of the Woman's Seed

Revelation 12:17 predicts that at the end of time, a faithful "remnant of the woman's seed" will follow Jesus wherever He goes. Discover how you can be among this group of people.

"Tim Rumsey's Living in the Final Week series is biblical, balanced, Christ-centered, and filled with heart-purifying insights for God's remnant people. It will help you prepare for the coming storm. Highly recommended!"

Pastor Steve Wohlberg, White Horse Media

"This important insightful, Christ-centered, and anchored in Scripture. It helps to empower the reader to live for Christ in these last days with hope and courage."

Dr. Philip Samaan, Author and Speaker


Bible Study Guides

Living in the Final Week is the Christ-centered Bible prophecy series you have been looking for. Each lesson presents Jesus at the center of history, current events, and prophecy. Confirm your faith in the three angels' messages and share subjects like the mark of the beast and close of probation in a loving, winsome, and convicting way. In this set of study guides, you will see that we are living in the "final week" of time, and that God is calling you to walk with Jesus. Study guides are available in English and Spanish.

CD and MP3 Sets

All twenty-four presentations of Living in the Final Week on CD and MP3.
Living In the Final Week (24-CD Set)


Living In the Final Week (MP3)


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Bring Living in the Final Week to your church and share the Christ-centered, life-changing truths of the everlasting gospel and the three angels' messages with your church and community. Contact us for more information and to schedule a series.

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